Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.

The final week of 2019 is spent at a tranquil resort in Bali, Indonesia, with my family, and only a few hours remain before 2020 concludes. When I imagine the events, situations, and circumstances of 2019, they are comparable to a Bollywood film. 2019 was one of the most hectic, emotional, joyful, and educational years of my life. When I reflect on the past year, I am amused, thrilled, and so fortunate to be a completely different person.A few memories are pleasant. Some are poor, some are ugly, and some are beautiful. I do not wish to erase negative memories, mistakes, or poor decisions from my mind because they have all taught me valuable lessons. I discovered that a few individuals whom I believed would always be there for me turned their backs on me. (descriptively and precisely ). I've encountered some peculiar individuals who are not content with their lives unless there are some dramatic events. I have observed that people are more likely to allow pessimistic people to control their lives than to think for themselves.
But I am glad that they were not the only individuals in my life. I have a lovely family and have met so many wonderful, positive people in 2019. People who appreciate my eccentric sense of humor. People who acknowledge the random acts of kindness I perform for them. For my own and my family's peace of mind, I have altered my way of thinking, attitude, and lifestyle after gaining so much knowledge in one year.
I've observed that when people are unhappy with their own lives, they sometimes try to bring you down to make themselves feel better. Everyone faces obstacles in life. We do not always make the best decisions; we all experience disappointment. The best thing we can do is to attempt to learn from our mistakes.

I had a lot of bad thoughts over the course of the year, and these bad thoughts had a big effect on me.I was conscious of the fact that I did not wish to constantly feel pitiful. I knew I had to make significant changes in my life for that to occur. We cannot alter the people or circumstances in our immediate environment. On the path to change, one must maintain equilibrium in all aspects. Because cutting people out of your life is one of the most difficult things to do, we must use both our mind and heart. Particularly those who appear to care for you. Situations and circumstances change in everyone's life, but for your own peace of mind, do not allow these situations to dominate your relationships. You should not regret anything you have done if you have learned lessons from it, and I have.

Today marks the end of 2019 and the start of 2020. I am aware that my life is imperfect, as well as the fact that no one's life is perfect. None of us is flawless. A positive outlook allows us to make the best of every circumstance. I would like to thank everyone who has accompanied me on my journey in 2019. I appreciate you all and wish you a prosperous new year in 2020.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Letter to my daughter on her Birthday

Dear Mrinalini, 
Today is the first birthday since your birth that I am not physically present. I could have come to you to celebrate your first birthday after marriage with you, but I chose not to.
The reasons are varied, and you will comprehend them when you recall everything I've been telling you for years.
Your Nanu used to call me "JHANSI KI RANI" not only because I was very courageous, but also because he had confidence in me, he believed in me, and it was because of this that he went against the family's decision and allowed me to marry your Dad. Now you know why Nanu did not cry at my Vidai's , not because he loved me less, but because he had faith in me. He knew that I could handle any situation and that I would be fine in any circumstance; he also knew that I would accept responsibility for my actions.

The ART OF LIVING was taught to me by his upbringing. I proved him RIGHT, as you already know.

Therefore, I am not with you today, but I am confident that you will be happier than on your previous birthdays, not because you do not love me or miss me, but because you have learned adaptability and flexibility, which will always contribute to your happiness in life.
Remember? I've always said, and also mentioned in my speech at your wedding reception, that ever since I was a child, I've desired to have 4-5 daughters who are all involved in the arts... Not because I am an artist myself, but because all forms of art teach us the Art of Living. This is why I taught you & Rupali Dance & Music from a young age.
Always consider your Dance & Music lessons when confronted with a contrary circumstance. 
There are two performers on stage. Give your all. Your performance with your partner cannot be satisfactory without rhythm, beat, and coordination. Your notes and pitch should be at the same level or harmonics for a seamless blend. You need melody in your song, but if the lyrics are incorrect, you will have a poor performance; therefore, artists should help each other remember the lyrics without being noticed by the audience. Your family members are on the backstage like the musicians and accompanists; they will provide assistance or clues if you miss a beat, rhythm, or note, but they cannot join you on the main stage. They are a part of your performance, but you are responsible for your poor performance.

Discipline, practice, passion, uniqueness, respect, creativity, sacrifice, and TIME are not only the keys to a successful stage performance, but also to a successful life performance. Not last but not least Please do not forget that the audience applauds both good and poor performances, but you must recognise the sound of claps and take it seriously rather than personally.
I am optimistic and confident in your ability to succeed. Best birthday wishes to you.

 #MotherDaughter #ArtOfLiving #Relationships #ART

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Vichitra Adbbut Avishvasneey Aklpneeye



ल फुर्सत के वक़्त , बिटिया के संग
जब  साझा की पुरानी कृतियाँ 
कुछ पूरी, कुछ अधूरी 
कुछ कही कुछ अनकही 

दे गयी मेरी आँखों में पानी 
बिटिया की आँखों में हैरानी 

वह हँस कर बोली , सही किया मम्मी ,
जो तुमने लिखना कम कर दिया...

इस से पहले की में कुछ कहती उसके  
                                                   वक्तव्य के सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक                                                                                                                                            
भाव का विश्लेषण करती

 उसके केवल चार शब्दों ने 
  मेरी दुविधा को मौन  दिया

विचित्र ! अद्भुत ! अविश्वसनीय ! अकल्पनीय !

 एका एक  वर्षों से लिखे वे अनगिनत शब्द  
                                                                     निःशब्द हो गए ,                                                                                                                                                                     

जहाँ ,कहीँ था हसीन ऊँची वादियों का चित्रण 
तो कहीँ फूलों में महकते २ प्रेमियों का विवरण
 वो पहली बारिश में आती मिट्टी की खुशबु 
 कागज़ की कश्ती पर क्षितिज पार जाने की जुस्तजू 

वो परी देश की रानी 
और घोड़े पे आता वो अभिमानी 

 वो खेत , वो खलिहान , वो नानी का गाँव 
 नीम और पीपल के पेड़ों की वो छाँव

वो आँगन में चारपाइयों की कतार 
मिट्टी के चूल्हे पे पकता बैंगन का बघार 
 अंगीठी के इर्द -गिर्द वोह ठंडी रात 
 और पापा की वो ढेर सारी बात 

वीर बालाओं की गाथाएं और ईमानदारी के किस्से 
                                                  यह सभी तो  थे मेरी रचनाओं के हिस्से                                                                                                                                          

उस विचित्र ! अद्भुत ! अविश्वसनीय ! अकल्पनीय ! अतीत को जीया है मैंने
 उसके हर लम्हे को अपने आगोश में संजोया  है मैंने
  हाँ यह सच है !
तब नदियों और झरनों में पानी निर्झर बहता था 
क्योंकि तब वोह बाज़ार  में नहीं बिकता था 

  और ये  भी सच है  !
  तब FOG उन खुबसूरत वादियों का हिस्सा होती थी 
  और SMOG सिर्फ शब्दकोष का हिस्सा होती थी 

यह सच है कि,

 तब भी युगल प्रेमी फूलों के बगीचे में मिलते थे 
और अपने प्रेम के किस्सों कि किताबे लिखते थे 
पर वो प्रेम गाथाएं ,अमर हो जाती थी .
 शम ए आम बन कर , SOCIAL  MEDIA के पन्नो पर नहीं बिखरती थी.

और हाँ,
 तब सच में  परियों की रानी भी होती थी,
और उनके  सपनों का असली राजकुमार भी होता था  

क्योंकि तब रात के अंधेरों में सिर्फ जगमगाती बरात आती थी
सफ़ेद कपड़े में लिपटी बेटी कि अर्धनग्न लाश नहीं आती थी 

 विचित्र ! अद्भुत ! अविश्वसनीय  और अकल्पनीय  नहीं है 
 सम्मान कि रक्षा में उठी  वीर बालाओं कि तलवारें 

विचित्र है, चंद चांदी के सिक्कों के लिए सम्मान का समझौता 
और ME TOO आंदोलन  कि आढ़ में  स्पश्टीकरण का मुखौटा  
अद्भुत है ! 
वो  उत्पीड़न, जो कल शर्म के मारे बेज़ुबान था
आज वो हर गली और नुक्कड़ की ज़ुबान है  

अविश्वसनीय है !

मंदिरों कि बढ़ती हुई इमारतें 
और घटती हुई देविओं कि इबादतें 

अकल्पनीय है कि 

कब  सत्य, चरित्र, सहनशीलता, और स्नहे बाजार में निलाम हो गए 
और अब इंसान तो क्या देवता भी हैवान हो गए .

अब न बहती है वो  नदियों कि धार 
न चेहरों पर न बगिया में बहार 

जल रही है वो अब सर्द रात 
न अंगीठी , न चुलाह न बैंगन न भात
सब कुछ सिमट कर घुट गया है 
महत्वकांक्षाओं कि ऊंची इमारतों में 

प्रतिस्पर्धा , प्रतिशोध और प्रतिष्ठा कि आग में जलता 

कितना विचित्र ,कितना अद्भुत ,कितना अविश्वसनीय , कितना अकल्पनीय 

हमारा आज

“You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.”

February 14 is Valentine's Day. Expecting flowers, cards, gifts, chocolates, candle-lit dinners, etc. from your loved ones, everyone is celebrating this day in his or her own way. 

How many of us truly comprehend the meaning of love? Here are my ideas. Contrary to popular belief, execrate is not the antithesis of love. Love is a giving emotion; we give through abandonment during trying times, illness, and injustice. Execrate is our prefered packaging material. Usual expressions of hatred include hating a particular individual, dish, or location. In reality, what we are saying is that we prefer certain foods over others, certain places over others, and specific people over others.

Actually, the opposite of love is greed. Our avarice and greed take from others and provide for ourselves. Avarice drains the spirit and life of others for its own glory. When we are greedy, we want more from others, whereas those who are generous look for ways to give more to others. Love lacks integrity. Sincerity implies reciprocity. Love is not a requirement. When we love someone, we give without any expectation of receiving anything in return. We frequently mistake acts of kindness for love. 

Kindness is mutual. I extend a favour to you and anticipate that you will return the favour. Loving and receiving love in return is gratifying, uplifting, and revitalizing, but it is not necessary. Love is never unfaithful. If love never has any expectations, then betrayal is impossible. The possibility of disloyalty or betrayal exists whenever we expect something in return. 

Love is all about submission and selflessness. The more we sacrifice, the greater our love can be demonstrated. Giving and sacrificing for those we dislike is more difficult than giving and sacrificing for those we love. We repeatedly succumb to the urge to withhold our time, effort, and resources from people we dislike because our efforts will be in vain and obscured. 

The introduction of an assumption invites regret and disloyalty. When we give to those we dislike without expecting anything in return, we can never be regretted or betrayed, because love has no expectations. Giving without expectation improves our lives and has the potential to alter the lives of others. In Bhagwat Geeta, Lord Krishna states, "Love should liberate the one who loves us." Love is not a contractual relationship, so one should not engage in a give-and-take relationship, which is doomed to fail. True love is devoid of expectation, anger, and any other emotion; it consists solely of the act of giving, without any expectation or emotion.